In 2023 the school will be focusing on the engineering challenges faced in the development of fusion energy and the topical areas tackling many of these challenges. It will consist of the following 5 mini-courses of three 1-hour lectures each:
as well as an introductory lecture on fusion engineering by The PPPL Associate Laboratory Director for Engineering, Dr. Michael Ford.
The topics are approached from a broad perspective and minimal prerequisites. The mini-courses are taught by PPPL scientists and collaborators (see Instructors below).
In-person participants are asked to present on their research (or on their group/institution's research if they haven't begun research themselves) at a poster session during the week or orally to the group. Additionally, various opportunitites will be given throughout the week to meet and interact with PPPL students, scientists, and engineers with the purpose of promoting future collaborations.
This year we're broadening elegibility to advanced undergrads (final 2 years before graduation), graduate students, and early career scientists/engineers at national labs, universities, and private industry.
The 2023 GSS will have a hybrid format, with ~15 participants attending in person (travel, housing and meals covered), and ~15 virtual participants. In-person participants must be traveling from a US location.